
Order Form for 4th Edition of Pronunciation for Career Growth

January 1, 2019

Accent Wisdom Order Form for Pronunciation for Career Growth (4th Edition)

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Number Description Unit Price Amount
  Pronunciation for Career Growth 4th Edition $50.00  
  Audios $15.00  
  Local Sales Tax    
  Contact Marlene Schoenberg at 651-699-9233    


Your 2019 Calendar from Accent Wisdom

January 1, 2019

Happy New year from Marlene!

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2019 Calendar


Speech Recognition- Happily Ever Laughter

June 24, 2016

Blog : Speech Recognition – Happily Ever Laughter by Marlene Schoenberg of Accent Wisdom, , www.accentwisdom.com

Remember the movie, “Her”, with the disembodied voice of Scarlett Johansson? For iPhone users, SIRI is a part of our everyday lives. We can ask SIRI to find a restaurant but don’t ask her if she loves you. SIRI is all business and the relationship will never get past friendship.

Did you know that SIRI stands for “Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface” ?

Now that you know her full name and not just some impersonal initials, let’s listen in to some hilarious SIRI responses to some deep topics.

If your question is, “SIRI, why did Apple make you?” SIRI’s response may be, “Apple doesn’t tell me everything”.

If you tell SIRI, “Repeat after me!” , she might come back with the retort, ” I am an intelligent assistant but not a parrot with beautiful plumage.”

If you admit that you missed something and say,” I didn’t understand it, SIRI.” She might reach out with the apology, “ I’m sorry, give me another chance.” Don’t you wish that people in your family would use that line?

Ask SIRI, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?”.  Don’t be surprised if she quizzically replies, “Snow White, is that you?”

Your quip to SIRI such as, “Surely you can’t be serious” might encourage the response, ”I am serious and don’t call me Shirley.”

In case you are really curious, ask SIRI , “How much wood could a wood chuck chuck?” Of course, she will tell you, “42 cords”.

If you are so impressed with SIRI and say, ”SIRI you’re the best!” She might respond, “I’m putting myself to the fullest possible use which I think any conscious entity can ever hope to do.” Shouldn’t we all reach our full potential?

Bid SIRI good night by saying, “Sleep well, SIRI.” She might comfort you and say, ”Yes, I shall endeavor to relax my system functions in a peaceful manner. I wish only the same for you.”

In the end, does contemplating philosophy with SIRI supersede a rumbling stomach? Just have the nerve to ask SIRI, “What came first, the chicken or the egg? “. She will probably say, “I found 16 restaurants near you that mention chicken and eggs”.           (Inspired by Blog-OSX Daily, Dec. 29, 2013)

Be Open to Opportunities

January 18, 2016

At a New Year’s Eve game night, a seven year old was teaching her 3 year old sister to play a card game. The seven year old told her sister, “You can play an open hand!”.  The three year old thought for a moment and then raised both arms with her hands open to the Universe.  She kept her hands up in that position for a full minute. As I walked by, I observed this, smiled and told her, “You can put your hands down!”. I explained how to turn her cards face up.

This was my New Year’s Aha!  May we all open our hands to opportunities all around us.  May we play an open hand in honesty and authenticity.  May we all realize that this is the place where we belong, moving forward and growing into the New Year of 2016.

Picnic Weather and Dessa-Parts of Speech

June 30, 2013

Picnic Weather and Dessa


The weather for the welcome home picnic is perfect. Just in case of sudden thunder storms,  we will go to the indoor area near the restaurant.

I have been listening to a local Minneapolis rapper whose name is Dessa. 

Listening to her speak on the Kerri Miller Radio show on NPR, I was certainly intrigued when I learned that her newest release is called “Parts of Speech”. This is a topic near and dear to my heart when teaching grammar to my students.

Dessa is a thoughtful and philosophical person who knows her media and is not afraid to say so.  She talked about early music influences and how a certain Sephardic melody enticed her to learn more about music.  She also revealed that she came into music from the poetry of words.  

I listened to some of her tunes and heard a variety of slower cadences and some other songs with fast words coming at you like ammunition.  She talked about her physical movement style as “prowling” on the stage and aboutthe art and musical sense of creating harmonies. 

“Call  Off Your Ghost” (about moving on from a past relationship) and “Skeleton Key” (about remembering to use your inner resources) are two  fascinating songs from  the “Part of Speech” release.  The words play off strongly textured rhythms to showcase Dessa’s depth of vocal variety to express feelings.  She says that most of her songs come from her own personal experience. I was impressed with Dessa.

Listen for yourself and see what you think.

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